About us & Heydon Village
A little about us and the village of Heydon.
About us
After a long dreaming about running a tea shop, the dream finally came true in August 2011.
We are very passionate about the food and drink we produce. Almost everything we serve is made by us on the premises. Ingredients are sourced from local suppliers wherever possible.
Our aim is for you to enjoy the environment and experience we have created. So sit back, relax and enjoy…

About Heydon Village
Why not let your imagination take you back into a bygone time as you take a leisurely stroll around the village. A charming, unspoilt cluster of picture postcard cottages, an old blacksmiths building, public house, church and our tea shop surround the village green and its well. Vastly unchanged since 1887.
Heydon Hall and Heydon village is popular with film makers as settings for some of their productions, some of the best known being, ‘The Go Between’,‘The Peppermint Pig’, ‘Backs To The Land’, ‘The Woman In White’, ‘Vanity Fair’, ‘Riders’, ‘Love On A Branch Line’ and ‘The Moonstone’. Heydon Hall was also the setting for one of the Upper Crust cookery programmes. Heydon was created as Norfolk’s first Village Conservation Area in 1971 and has won The Best Kept Village twice. The village has about 100 inhabitants.